DEIMAY, a Taiwan Lingerie Brand,
was established in 1989. In order to satify our customers, we carefully purchase materials from all over the world and pay more attention to Quality Control (QC). Through the professional factories, we can offer the superior products to our customers, which is also our promise to those who support DEIAMY.

“Follow the Trend, or Create it”
The designers periodically attend several exhibitions, such as lace exhibition in Paris, international bra show in Shenzhen, and Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show, so as to absorb new relevant knowledge and expand horizons. Besides quality, international aesthetics also plays an important role in designing a bra, which helps us to create our unique fashion style. As our motto says, “follow the trend, or create it”.
Global Markets
With more than 30 years of development, DEIMAY’s products can be purchased in many countries. In Hong Kong, we especially set up our counters at numerous department stores and malls. There are professional saleswomen who can provide customers with their relative suggestions in every counter. We hope all ladies could find their confidence and fascination from DEIMAY.